How much is a Lindywell membership?

You can choose which option is best for you:

  • Curiosity Path - $37 monthly (automatically renews monthly)
  • Building Consistency Path - $81 quarterly (paid upfront, automatically renews quarterly)
  • Full Transformation Path - $199 annually, best value (paid upfront, automatically renews annually)

The great news is that no matter which membership option you choose,  you can unlock your first 14 days free at Lindywell! 

When you join as an annual member, you not only get the best value, but you also receive 30% off Lindywell Pilates gear, like the Lindywell Pilates Prop Kit, to support you on your journey! Monthly and quarterly members receive 20% off Lindywell Pilates gear.

You can have confidence knowing you’ve made a great investment in your health to have a researched-backed plan designed to give you a realistic, guilt-free approach to getting fit and feeling good for a lifetime. 

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